Toilet Cleaner

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Have you ever wonder that, why, in our country, all the workers who clean up public toilets are females?

I understand very well, when females enters the private cubicles to do their own business, every single time, you would notice that all the toilet cleaners are females, but there would be no male toilet cleaners (duh, of course).

But if you really are a female reading this, do you know that for us males, when we came out from the cubicle and thought of going to the basins to wash our hands, we would often shocked by the fact that a female wearing a tudung standing in front of us, with the appearance where one of her hands holding on to a mop, and staring at us at the very moment when we were just about to zip up our trousers?

I remembered what happened when I first discovered a female toilet cleaner in a male toilet. I was just a few years old at that time. Naively, I screamed in agony when I saw that woman loitering around in the toilet. I thought she was one of those pervert female serial killer or something.

Thank God things have got a bit better these days, where I notice in some minority places, male toilet cleaners are on the rise now. But still, there are still many female male toilet cleaners (confusing term...) lurking out there.