Hell's Kitchen

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I came across a reality show recently on the tube. For kitchen enthusiastic and Survivor haters, this will be your show. Hell's Kitchen is no ordinary reality show, that's what I thought, at least. After being a follower of certain other reality shows with the likes of The Apprentice as well as Survivor, this particular show brought a total different atmosphere, it was so fresh, I thought.

But unfortunately, my little sister, whom aspiring to be a chef someday in the future, withdrawn from her big thinking soon after watching this very show with jaw-dropping expression together with me.

Throughout the show, the infamous host, Chef Gordon Ramsay was somewhat yapping non-stop towards the contestants, it was like a mouth-watering riot scenarios, except that no counter-attacking is allowed. What the contestants could do were just standing there, keeping their words to themselves seem to be the better choice instead of spilling out opinions on how to improve the worsened situations... because the chef would somehow fired up every arse of those who talk back.

I threatened my sister with discouraging statements, telling her that this is the world of kitchen. The chef will just keep nagging you, forcing you to do something which you don't really think it would be a good idea even though you have more years of cooking experiences than him.

I was actually awfully surprised by the host in one of the episodes when Chef Gordon was using harsh words to a customer who came forward to the kitchen to ask for a ketchup or something. That was so ridiculous. He did not seem to be an ethical professional, did he?

All in all, I somehow have bad impression about this show, but yet, it gains huge popularity in UK & US.

It stresses the hell out of me every time I watch it.


Shilei said...

i watched one episode of it before. it's just so true in the kitchen!

I worked in the restaurant, witnessed the harsh yelling from the executive chef to those so called low-leveled staff: dish washer, coffee maker...

i am wondering, whether the heat at the kitchen does fire up those chef?

BeNC said...

Haha... does the heat in the kitchen fired you up? If it does, it probably does the same thing to the chef too :)

But one thing for sure, this is certainly not my shoe.

Shilei said...

i have to say, it's very stressful sometimes working in the kitchen. The timing is very crucial. The food won't be nice a little bit more or less cooked...That's why, it's hectic and need high level of self control in order not to mess thing up! haha! I am surely not a professional and potential chef, but cook for recreation, i do love it. haha!