Gala Night

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In this trip, there was an inclusive special night where you need to get yourself registered in order not to miss all the fun, it was called the Gala Night.

Gala Night consists of firstly, “Gala Fashionista”, a fashion show featuring different Asian Traditional Costumes with a Parisian catwalk style finale. “Kid’s Gala Night” was an event for the kids.

“Captain Gala Cocktail” was the event which I loved the most, everyone who registered for the exclusive evening were invited to Grand Piazza, a ballroom-like venue where waitresses were walking around with cocktails, beers, red wines and juices on a plate. Those who were registered, could just go around the hall, picking drinks up, socializing, chit-chatting, and the dress code had to be semi-casual, every one dressed up so beautifully, with tantalizing music flowing in the air. Oh, I just love this so much! If there were people waltzing in the hall would be perfect enough! I even told my mother how I enjoyed those moments on the spot. And I received a somewhat serious answer from my mom, saying that if I’m happen to be so lucky to get married in the future with my beloved one, another “Captain Gala Cocktail”, with the ballroom dancing, or course, will be held for my wedding. Well... I did not trust my mother anyhow; just imagine how much money you got to pump in for such event.

Captain & the senior management crew

The Gala event of the night was the “Gala Dinner”. We registered ourselves at Bella Vista, and we had our grand dinner together with the Captain onboard, Jan Blomqvist from Finland along with several senior management crews. A really grand dinner that was, we were served with alluring western dishes and a pianist was playing sweet melodies in the restaurant. Appetizers, main course, as well as the desserts were so delicately displayed and appealing.