Controllable Reduction

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The global crude price is going down drastically in these recent days, this is certainly one piece of the good news which we could take heart from, since there are so many unhappy events and incidents occurred globally as well as throughout nationwide.

Malaysia used to subsidies the price of petrol to a great extent previously. Just imagine, the government used to do a very good deed as in selling the petrol for only RM1.60 per liter, how cool is that!! Well... since the price of crude oil plunged to a newer record today, our government decided to further reduce the price of petrol for 10 cents, which is the 6th reduction ever since the skyrocketed increment of the price initially. And, very fortunately, the government is planning on for the 7th reduction very soon.

But there are points to be pondered though... If the decreasing inclination continues, so, theoretically, our government will keep on doing the same thing, reducing the price of petrol. But is this really a good thing to do?

What if the price of the petrol shoots up suddenly? Will trepidation aroused among the nation? Should the price increases again, the government would probably increase the price of petrol again by a few more cents. When the global crude oil price plunge again, decreasing of petrol price, is once again implemented.

Can the government make a static position for the petrol price, and use the financial resources to develop other useful alternatives such as biofuel?